Jan 2024: ‘Solidarity Economy Association’ with Blackbird Learning Circle

In January 2024, the Solidarity Economy Association will lead a session on Cooperatives online with the Blackbird Learning Circle. The session will cover the history and potential of cooperatives, and we will discuss how to use the cooperative model to build wealth in our comunities, and to take effective action on the major issues. We…

THE STATE WE’RE IN: discussion write-up

The session began with a presentation on many societal issues, including those faced by easily singled-out minorities such as refugees, travellers, queer people, disabled people, and the impoverished classes. Through our discussions, we continually highlighted how these issues feed off each other and how they are effectively impossible to tackle if viewed individually. The group…

Goldman Centre to Reopen Summer 2022

The Goldman Centre will reopen as a community space in the next few months. Over the past 30 years, the Centre has hosted many different initiatives, including Northampton SolFed, Greenpeace, Northampton Women’s Peace Group, Radical Routes, Transition Town Northampton, Northants Direct Action, as well as various material & food shares (recently reinitiated by the emergence…